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 09/01/10 Vibration108 - The Lawbreaker & Friends Show Guest - Organ Donors +Friends

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 317
Age : 43
Localisation : Alsace (68300)
Profession : Fusion Records Radio Mix
Zik preférée : Fusion Records
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2008

09/01/10 Vibration108 - The Lawbreaker & Friends Show Guest - Organ Donors +Friends Empty
MessageSujet: 09/01/10 Vibration108 - The Lawbreaker & Friends Show Guest - Organ Donors +Friends   09/01/10 Vibration108 - The Lawbreaker & Friends Show Guest - Organ Donors +Friends Icon_minitimeLun 04 Jan 2010, 14:22

Saturday The 09 January 2010 for the New Year The Lawbreaker & Friends Hardest Show new concept Hard Trance/Hardstyle and Hardcore start midnight(cet).
Big Guest for this show : Organ Donors (uk) of [Nukleuz Records]

Organ Donors Biography :

The Organ Donors reign as kings of the hard scene and continue to set standards both in the studio with their cutting edge productions and on the world stage with their pioneering Audio Surgery Live shows, this year had seen the boys release their 3 artist album to critical acclaim, a monumental remix album "Under the Knife" which seen the boys remixed by 30 of todays most current and respected artists inc Scot Project, Zany, Mark Sherry, Will Atkinson to name a few. They also globe-trotted their unique sound to sell out tours in Auz, Ibiza, Norway, Sweden, Arizona, Germany, Malaysia and of course kept the torch lit on they UK scene week in week out.
2009 also seen the industry legends launch their new custom built Recording Studio & DJ Skool 'The Audio Surgery', a cutting edge Dj & production facility run by a selection of pro Tutors, Dj’s & Engineers. The Organ Donors are allocating time from their crazy schedule for coaching & studio hire, to help drive new faces into the business and stimulate the scenes new talent pool! The Surgery studio's opened to coincide with the launch of their new record label Audio Surgery Records which has already taken the scene by storm with both the first releases topping the hard dance chart at No:1 for a combined and uncommon 3 weeks!

DJ Thera Biography :

Dj Thera aka Pieter Heijnen grows up in a musical environment and at the age of three he already has the urge of playing melodies on an old keyboard. Since 1994 he starts spinning at a local radio station and several regional parties. In 1998 he meets Fabian Bohn. Because of Pieter’s production work they sign a contract with Combined Forces and release vinyls with the projectname “Bassdriver”.

But it really starts to grow the minute they start with their project “Brennan & Heart”. They release tracks on infamous labels such as Fusion, StraightOn, Scantraxx, Seismic and Multigroove. Besides working on this successful project, an unique cooperation develops with superstar dj Don Diablo.

Pieter also did production work for him with as most well known releases “Don Diablo – Anarchy” fom ID&T Records and “Orion’s Voice – Cockroaches” from Re-Fuel Records and Overdose including a very own Dj Scot Project Remix.

With bookings Pieter also accomplish some milestones. Pieter was the first hardstyle dj playing in Chicago, USA and in Belfast, N-Ireland and he has dj-ed at parties like Defqon1, Q-Base, Frequence and Impulz Outdoor.

In the end of 2005 Pieter stops with the project “Brennan & Heart” due to creative differences. This lead to a short quiet period even though Pieter did gigs in Denmark, Scotland and England with his new found name Dj Thera.

But in 2008 Pieter starts a whole new adventure with putting together a new label called Theracords and a new kick off of his dj career. The main goal of his label is to release diverse and original harddance music without thinking in boxes, but always with the mindset that it has to be produced with passion and from the heart.

The first release “Dj Thera – Serotonin” became an instant hit and many releases later a sick list of worldwide well-known artists support the Theracords releases: Mark EG, Proteus, Yoji Biomehanika, Organ Donors, Louk, Warmduscher, Dj Scot Project, Hellraiser, Crypsis, Dutch Master, Trance Generators and Activator. Dj Kutski has also played several Theracords releases on his BBC 1 Radio show and Pieter’s latest release (Again and Again/In Between) appeared in the August issue of the MixMag.

Bookings all over the world are the result of the successes Pieter has got with his label with the milestone playing in Vancouver, Canada. Besides that, Theracords label parties have been taken place in Melbourne (AUS), Belfast (UK) and more coming up soon in Denmark, UK and Australia.

Furthermore Pieter has also got a well respected radio show every Wednesday evening which is aired at 4 different radio stations (FearFM,, and with over 2000 listeners worldwide.

This month Dj Thera also set up the first sub label of Theracords called Therabyte to focus even more on the whole harddance aspect and keeping Theracords more hardstyle oriented. Check out the label websites here: and

Nitrouz Biography :

NitrouZ, aka JP Pirrello, is considered to be one of the biggest Hardstyle Talents in Australia. At a young age he was surrounded by music; learning to play the piano and singing in the school choir and other youth choirs. His singing was quite successful, performing at the openings of some of Sydney’s most prestigious events as well as singing on albums.

Dance music had always been a part of his life as his older siblings passed down the music that they so passionately listened to, the music that was heard throughout the clubs at the time. This was also the music that was played at the “all age” events that he attended. When he turned 18 he began to develop his skills as a DJ and became attracted to the pulsing beat of the harder styles of Dance music. Overwhelmed with his passion for dance music JP decided to follow his dream of becoming a DJ and Producer. He built his own recording studio and is now on the path to his dream.

After a number of years of travelling and learning his craft JP is now set to release on Dutch Master Works, one of the World’s Number 1 Hardstyle Labels, home to Showtek, Dutch Master and many more great talents. His first release is a collaboration with his good mate DJ Duro, "Crazy Muzic" and "Rockafella", both tracks are sought after to be played by DJ's at the highest levels, throughout the world.

In 2008 it seemed JP's dream of becoming a world renowned DJ/Producer AND VOCALIST was finally coming true. He was invited to play at X-Qlusive Showtek at the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam and also the prestigious Defqon 1 Festival in Almere Holland, both of which are great honours to bestow on any DJ. At the end of 2008 XQ was brought to Australia and again JP was invited to play and he became the only Australian Hardstyle DJ to play at all of these parties. Q-Dance named him Australia's number 1 Hardstyle DJ.

2009 has also proved to be a successful year. JP was again invited to play at the Q-Dance world tour. He has also been booked to play the main arena at Q-Dance’s first Australian edition of the Defqon 1 Festival. Also, he was chosen to do the remix for the Defqon Anthem that DJ Zany created for this event. Nitrouz/JP played alongside and amongst the worlds best DJ’s and continually strives to better his craft.

NitrouZ (AKA JP Pirrello) plays a unique blend of Hardstyle sure to keep the crowd moving throughout his entire set. The energy and enthusiasm he brings to the stage shows his absolute suitability to DJing. A set from DJ NitrouZ is never boring. His performance behind the decks ensures his audience a show they won’t soon forget

Line up (Cet) 00:00 - 04:00 :

00:00 - 01:00 Organ Donors (Uk) [NUKLEUZ rec]
01:00 - 02:00 DJ Thera (Nl) [Theracords]
02:00 - 03:00 Nitrouz (AU) [DMW Rec/Q Dance Rec]
03:00 - 04:00 The Lawbreaker (F) [T.L.F.H.S Maker]

Look & Listen:

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Aac+ 49kbps :


Happy New Year 2010 for all

Adrien /The Lawbreaker

Dernière édition par the_lawbreaker le Mer 06 Jan 2010, 10:41, édité 3 fois
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Membre habitué du forum
Membre habitué du forum

Masculin Nombre de messages : 317
Age : 43
Localisation : Alsace (68300)
Profession : Fusion Records Radio Mix
Zik preférée : Fusion Records
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2008

09/01/10 Vibration108 - The Lawbreaker & Friends Show Guest - Organ Donors +Friends Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 09/01/10 Vibration108 - The Lawbreaker & Friends Show Guest - Organ Donors +Friends   09/01/10 Vibration108 - The Lawbreaker & Friends Show Guest - Organ Donors +Friends Icon_minitimeSam 09 Jan 2010, 21:44

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